If you develop with Java, and aren't at least aware of these tools, you should be!
- Java Documentations in HTMLHelp format - Franck Allimant generously provides much of the core Java documentation, recompiled in HTMLHelp format. Some advantages over the standard HTML docs include "a structured table of contents, a complete index, and a full-text search feature". Unfortunately, he seems to have stopped maintaining the specification documents as mentioned on Sun's Java site, including The Java Language Specification.
- Eclipse - My favorite IDE. I suggest always running on the latest milestone. (Mostly, because I tend to keep track of a number of bug reports, but I consider the milestones very stable, and are usually better overall than the latest official release, in my opinion.)
- Can't find where to go from the main site? Try Downloads, All versions, then click the top "Stream Stable Build". You most likely want the "Eclipse SDK" for your operating system, from the top of the page. See the FAQs if you need installation help.
- Any number of open-source projects from the Apache Software Foundation. Some of my favorites include:
- Logging, including:
- Apache Commons, including:
- Derby - An open source relational database implemented entirely in Java.
- Ant - A Java-based build tool.
- Tomcat - A Java Servlet container.
- Geronimo - A J2EE server runtime framework.
- Xerces2-J - XML parsing and schema processing.
- FOP - Formatting Objects Processor, driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO).
- JUnit - Unit testing framework. Already included with Eclipse! (Wikipedia entry.)
- soapUI - For working with Web Services.
- JSch - Java Secure Channel, a pure Java implementation of SSH2.
I'm sure I'll remember a few more in the coming days, so please check back!
Last updated: 03/13/2007
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